Allocutio – September 2020

The 3rd wave of the Covid-19 pandemic seems to be easing off, open mass will likely to be resumed very soon; when everything seems to be back to normal, do you notice that there are a lot of changes in this world because of the pandemic. We have built up a lot of “boundaries”, “fences”. This may be due to a “sense of security”, “self protection”; but, as a result of all these, there is big gap in the relationship among humans! Many old people are not taken care of due to the pandemic, those sick and hospitalized cannot be visited, the daily lives of citizens are changed: students have no more group lives, friends cannot meet, only one or two can gather. There is a lack of interpersonal support!

Hence, we have to break these “boundaries” and “fences” with faith, we need to carry on our evangelization with enthusiasm, let the Word of God be our daily bread, enhance our faith with prayers, show our love and support to brothers and sisters around us. Let us meditate on the changes which occurred to the lives of the disciples when the Holy Spirit descended: before the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, the disciples were in fear and locked themselves up in a room; after the Holy Spirit appeared, their hearts were opened, went out of the house to face the world and proclaimed the resurrection of the Lord! We should also open our hearts, pour out our love like living water, let it infiltrate every corner of our lives, greet each other with love and encouragement, actively support brothers and sisters around us who are in need. Let us pray daily, through the intercession of Mary, that the world will win against the threat of the pandemic, and rebuild our home with happiness.

Spiritual Director
Fr. Francis Tam
On the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary