Allocutio – May 2022

What is our belief? Jesus gave us a New Commandment – “Love one another”, this is ultimate, confirmed and forever. Our religious belief is: (1) Life is a journey to Heaven. Throughout our lives, how much of it is focused on Heaven? (2) Building an “intimate” encounter with Christ. Just as Jesus said, “as I have loved you”. The Covid pandemic has broken the “intimacy” with Christ as we cannot receive the Holy Eucharist. There are only 2 possibilities in creating this “intimacy”, one is receiving the Holy Eucharist, and the other is listening to the Word of God. (3) An interactive love with people. Hence, the New Commandment is ultimate, confirmed and eternal. We should keep our focus on Jesus and Jesus alone!

Jesus loves us forever, through His life’s journey, He truly and forever died for us on the cross. We should love one another, be interactive in our love towards our neighbour and through our work assignments. When we talk to others, they should feel our love. This is how we can highlight Jesus’ face to others. In Chapter 15 of the Handbook, the Legionary Promise is recited towards the Holy Spirit, but Mary and the Holy Spirit cannot be separated. Mary’s life on earth is a reflection of her life in heaven. When Mary looked at Jesus during the crucifixion, she possessed an abundance of faith; when she subsequently talked to the disciples at the dining table, she still showed unwavering faith. We had to practise the commandments just like Mary, and proceed towards Heaven. We should revisit the Legionary Promise to arouse our spirit in order to cooperate with God’s plan and progress towards Heaven!

Spiritual Director
Fr. Francis Tam
15 May 2022