Allocutio – December 2023

Today’s Spiritual reading is selected from Chapter 31 Extension and Recruiting. Let us reflect — we seem to have failed in our duty on extension! Some praesidia have the same number of members for many years and some have recruited only one member after many years. According to the Handbook, it is the duty of each individual Legionary to realise and account for his stewardship in extension. The world today is in great confusion, this, however, gives the Legion of Mary an opportunity, as Legionaries are supposed to combat the devil. Humans have devils in themselves, it is the problem with human nature. Different places or Curiae may have similar problems. Priests sometimes may have problems, such as not being able to compromise with the praesidium. The devil will take advantage of the situation and create trouble in extension and recruiting. If the increase in number of members is 10% or above, it is ideal; however, the present situation is less than 5%, that is an issue. To face this problem, we had to pray with concentration, perseverance and confidence. Prayers cannot be lacking — the daily rosary, Catena etc., we should not only pray routinely, but with our mission of conquering darkness in mind.

Today is Joy Sunday, we should “Rejoice! Because the Lord has come!” God has never given up on a single person, and this is the root cause of joy. John the Baptist said he was “the one calling in the wilderness”, calling for the people in need of Jesus. Are we aware of those who are calling for Jesus? We should see the need of those whom we come into contact and understand their calling. We need the light, the sign. If we gather the light together, there will no longer be darkness. Each member has a duty in extension, do not only be satisfied with the existing numbers, the Legion of Mary spirit requires us to extend and recruit continuously, pray wholeheartedly daily so as to combat darkness, confirming the spirit of Mary in our daily lives.

Spiritual Director
Fr. Francis Tam
17 December 2023